Surfing Cuts & Scrapes: Don’t Let Them Wipe Out Your Trip!


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Surfing is exhilarating, but fins, reefs, and even your board can leave you with nasty gashes. Knowing how to handle a surfing cut is just as important as catching the perfect wave. Here’s your first-aid guide to staying safe (and stoked) out there.

The Lowdown on Common Surfing Cuts

Fin Slices: These can be deceptively deep. Always check a fin cut carefully.
Reef Rashes: Often shallow, but these scrapes are prone to infection due to coral fragments and seawater.
Board Dings: While more of a bummer for your board, it’s easy to cut yourself on its sharp edges.

Surfing Wound Care 101

Follow these steps immediately after getting a cut:

Get Out & Assess: Head to shore to get a good look at the wound.
Rinse Thoroughly: Use fresh water (preferably bottled). A mix of saltwater and hydrogen peroxide can also help dislodge debris.
Stop the Bleeding: Apply direct pressure with a clean cloth or towel.
Clean Carefully: Gently remove any sand, pebbles, or visible debris. Leave deeply embedded objects to a doctor. 5. Disinfect: Apply antiseptic or antibiotic ointment.
Dress the Wound: Use a waterproof bandage, and change it at least daily.

Spotting Trouble: When Surfing Cuts Need a Doctor

Some cuts need more than DIY care. See a medical professional if:

The cut is deep, gaping, or won’t stop bleeding
There’s significant debris embedded
The area becomes red, swollen, or hot
You get a fever or see pus

Infection Prevention is Key

Surfers are at higher risk for infection, so watch for the above signs and:

Know Your Surf Spot: Reef bottoms pose unique risks – booties might be a good call.
Clean Gear: Rinse your board and wetsuit regularly to reduce bacteria.

Unicare: Your Surf Trip Medical Backup

Cuts happen, even to the best surfers! Unicare Clinics have your back:

24/7 Walk-in Care: Get the treatment you need on your schedule.
Experienced Doctors: We know how to manage surfing wounds to minimize infection and scarring.
Convenient Locations: Find us near the best breaks in Ubud, Uluwatu, Nusa Dua, and Kuta.

Wipeouts are part of the game, but don’t let a cut ruin your whole surf trip! Visit [Unicare Clinic website address] to learn more about our expert wound care.
