Sexually Transmitted Diseases Facts In Bali

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Sexually transmitted diseases is the ugly side of this famous island aside for its beautiful beaches, amazing sceneries, good food and many good places for entertainments.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections you can get by having sex with someone who has an infection. Sex in this case includes intercourse, anal sex, oral sex or skin-to-skin contact. Such infections are usually passed by having intercourse but they can also be passed through other types of sex. The cause of STD can be bacterial or viral. The common bacterial infections are chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphillis, while the common viral infections are hepatitis B, herpes, genital warts, and HIV/AIDS.

Without surprise many people who learn they have a sexually transmitted disease (STD) are devastated. Remember, STDs can be very common and getting one does not mean you are horrible. The first important step is to get help by talking with your health care provider.

Prostitution has been an important factor in the spread of HIV infection in Asia and Bali in particular. Interventions need to be developed to reduce the risk of transmission of sexually transmitted infections in this area. To educate female sex workers about sexually transmitted infections and assess the impact of the educational intervention. Brothel areas in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, were divided into areas of high and low program (interventional) effort.

There are certainly better things to do in Bali, such as this

The intervention included educational sessions for sex workers, treatment of sex workers for sexually transmitted disease (STD), condom distribution, and printed information for clients of the sex workers. A high-effort area was one in which a more intensive educational intervention occurred. A clinic was available for STD treatment in both areas.

Behavioral surveys and STD testing were used to evaluate the programs. Six hundred female sex workers participated in behavioral surveys and STD examinations every 6 months for four rounds of data collection. Each round, about half of the women were new to the study. A total of 1586 women participated in at least one evaluation round. Changes were evaluated in AIDS knowledge, STD knowledge, and condom use, as well as in the prevalence of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, syphilis, and Trichomonas vaginalis. Testing for HIV was conducted anonymously.

Essential Facts About STDs That Everyone Should Know

  • There Are 25 Known STDs.
  • Some STDs Are Treatable, Others Can Only Be Managed.
  • STDs Among Older Adults Is on the Rise.
  • Some STDs Have No Symptoms.
  • It Is Easier for a Woman to Become Infected with an STD.
  • Oral Sex Does Not Protect You From an STD.

Sexually transmitted diseases are a serious medical, social and cultural problem in Indonesia, but it is difficult to obtain population-based data on the their prevalence and incidence. Limited reports from some teaching and other hospitals are available.

Most STDs do not cause certain symptoms. Therefore, testing is the best and only way for you to find out if you are infected with an STD. Whoever you are, when you have had sex such as vaginal, anal, or oral sex, you have the possibility of being infected with STD. Nothing wrong if you contact the doctor or the nearest clinic to get a test or just consult about it

If you want to have a STD test in Bali, don’t be afraid if you have ever had sexual contact with someone, and found signs of an STD, you can consult your doctor and clinic that provides the STD test. STD symptoms can indeed come and disappear with time, but this does not mean that STD just goes away from your body. If you experience health problems related to STD, see a doctor immediately to get the right treatment. Symptoms caused by STD are different, depending on the type of STD.

These signs can indicate a person infected with STD include:

  • Lumps or sores around your genitals, thighs and buttocks.
  • A strange discharge appears on your penis or vagina.
  • Feelings of burning and heat when you urinate.
  • irritation, itching, swelling, or pain in your penis, vagina, vulva, or anus.
  • Often feel tired and experience flu-like symptoms such as fever, aches, and swollen glands.
  • However, these symptoms can also occur due to fungal or bacterial infections that are not STD. So doing the test is the only way to know for certain whether you have STD or not


