What is Rapid test & where to get the treatment in Ubud and Uluwatu

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Currently many people who want to do a rapid test or rapid test to detect early Covid-19. However, before we carry out this inspection, it would be nice to know how to work and interpret the results.

Rapid test is an initial screening method to detect antibodies, namely IgM and IgG, which are produced by the body to fight the Corona virus. These antibodies will be formed by the body when there is exposure to the Corona virus.

When there are antigens that enter our body, in this case the SARS-CoV-2 virus, our body’s defense system will fight back. If our body is likened to the national defense system, the army in our body is called white blood cells. When the enemy attacks are more intense, more white blood cells are mobilized.

Not all white blood cells become attacking soldiers. There is also a function as a spy. They are tasked with making an enemy profile, in this case the profile of the virus to be fought. After the virus profile information is collected, there will be a special team that will fight the virus. This particular team is called an antibody. To fight the virus, antibodies will attach to the antigen so that the ability of the virus to enter cells and multiply can be prevented. Rapid antibody test will detect whether there are antibodies in the blood sample being examined.

In other words, if these antibodies are detected in a person’s body, this means that the person’s body has been exposed or entered by the Corona virus. But you need to know, the formation of these antibodies takes time. So, the rapid test here is only a screening test rather than an examination to diagnose a Corona or Covid-19 virus infection. The only test that can determine whether a person has been reactively infected with Corona virus so far is only a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) examination. This examination can detect the Corona virus directly, not through the presence or absence of antibodies to this virus.

Procedure and Interpretation of Rapid Test Results

The rapid test procedure begins with taking a blood sample from the tip of the finger which is then dripped into a rapid test kit. Next, the liquid to mark the antibody will be dropped in the same place. The result will be a line that appears 10-15 minutes after that.

Positive rapid test results indicate that the person examined had been infected with the Corona virus. Even so, people who have been infected with the Corona virus and have this virus in their body can get negative rapid test results because their bodies have not formed antibodies against the Corona virus.

Therefore, if the results are negative, the rapid test needs to be repeated 7-10 days after that. You are also still advised to do independent isolation for 14 days even though you have no symptoms at all and feel healthy.

Well, if your rapid test results are positive, don’t panic yet. The antibodies detected in the rapid test may be antibodies to other viruses or other types of coronaviruses, not those that cause COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2.

So, it is necessary to take a swab for PCR testing to determine whether there is a SARS-CoV-2 infection. Before conducting a PCR test or while waiting for the results, you must undergo independent isolation at home for at least 14 days.

During isolation, avoid traveling and contact with other people who live in the same house, while applying a clean and healthy lifestyle. Apply physical distancing, i.e. keep a distance of at least 1 meter from others and wear a mask when having to interact with others.

Besides that whatever the results of the rapid test, keep an eye on your health condition. If COVID-19 symptoms appear, such as coughing, fever, hoarseness, and shortness of breath, immediately contact a health care facility or COVID-19 hotline to get further tests.

Where to get the treatment in Ubud and Uluwatu

Rapid test and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for corona virus examination are still being conducted in several places in Bali, precisely in Ubud and Uluwatu. Some are mass and some are independent.

The COVID-19 rapid test is an examination by testing a blood sample. The blood sample is used to detect immunoglobulins, which are antibodies that are formed when the body has an infection. With a rapid test, patients in the early stages of COVID-19 infection can be identified more quickly.

The following is a list of hospitals and places for rapid tests and PCR:

  1. Government Hospital
  2. Regional Hospital (Referral)
  3. Health Center

What is Rapid test & where to get the treatment in Ubud and Uluwatu 1

To get professional Rapis test in Ubud and Uluwatu click this link https://buff.ly/35uoGbd  and https://buff.ly/3fd2Opo

Not Everybody Can Do a Rapid Test

Due to limited equipment, not everyone can undergo this procedure simultaneously. So far, examinations have only been prioritized for people who are more at risk of COVID-19. The criteria include:

Persons under surveillance, ie those who have a fever of ≥ 380C or symptoms of respiratory system disorders, such as colds, coughs and shortness of breath, and have a history of travel or living in the local transmission area, both in Indonesia and abroad

People who have a history of contact with patient cases under surveillance (PDP)

People who have a history of contact with confirmed patients or are likely to be positive for COVID-19

People with the highest risk of contracting, such as health workers in hospitals that handle COVID-19

Communities working in puskesmas or clinics, as well as people with professions with high social interaction (TNI, police, public officials, scholars, airport officials, or market traders)

Determination of the criteria can be done when you go to the health center to see a doctor. You can also be approached directly by the health center if you are recorded in the ODP, PDP, or confirmed patient contact. If it is outside these criteria, you are encouraged to continue to take steps to prevent the Corona virus transmission by washing your hands regularly, maintaining endurance, doing social distancing or what is now called physical distancing, and not leaving the house except for urgent interests.
