Line-Up Surfers! Here are Your 3 Best Surf Spots in Uluwatu

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To surf Bali is to surf some of the best waves in the world, and this time we’re talking Uluwatu.

Despite its reputation for hotels with amazing views and cool places to hang out, chill and enjoy the tropical sunsets, Uluwatu began its life as a surfer’s haven. Following are three of the best spots to seek waves when your thirst for surf kicks in.

  1. Suluban

Being one of Bali’s most unique coasts, this particular beach is concealed by natural limestone formation and can be accessed via steps and log ramps through narrow gaps in the rock. Though this small beach may not be ideal for sunbathers, it serves pro surfers well as a base to paddle out and ride good reef breaks.

Suluban has several rock openings and mini caves you can explore, which also lead to different sections of the beach.  Your best time to come might during low tide, which reveals more spaces and accessible sandy paths together with tide pools where you and your friends can have a pleasurably soak in.  Surfers come and go, high tide or low, with the prized breaks being only a short paddle out.

Nothing to worry if it will be the first time you try this spot,  the Balawista lifeguards are on duty at their cliff-top watch tower northwest of the beach, mostly observing the waves and the surfers. Hence there are none on duty on the beach area itself.

Be sure to watch the tides, as currents can be strong they can crash through cave openings, sometimes posing a hazard. What you got to keep in mind is that Suluban Bach is not recommended for young children.  Early mornings are usually the best but the most scenic are at sunset times.

  1. Nyang Nyang

Another one secluded beach which is creating great sensation among people in Bali is NyangNyang Beach.

Though it has to be accessed by long trek along with amazing view until you reach the beach, it still makes for a prize goal for day-trippers and beach lovers.

This beach also offers extraordinary surf spots for those searching for ride.

Being a pristine 1.5 kilometre stretch of coastline and one of Bali’s least visited beaches,
you will not find many people in this area rather than seaweed farmers or lonely surfers  out on the reef break.

NyangNyang Beach is located in Pecatu area, half a kilometer drive southeast of the Uluwatu Temple.

If you do not feel like surfing you can stay for sunset or make the climb up before dark.  It has also becoming a camping site for travelers and people who like to spend their weekend camping and make bonfires under the stars. Swimming out is highly not recommended since there are no lifeguards on patrol. Be in good shape is a must and bring adequate rations and drinking water, there are also no food stalls or peddlers other than in NyangNyang Beach’s western half.

  1. Uluwatu

Being the most legendary of Bali’s best surf spots, Uluwatu is located in the southwestern tip of Bukit Peninsula, under a spectacular 11th Hindu Temple.

Known for its consistent good quality surf, variety of breaks and condition throughout the day, Uluwatu deserves to be number one in this surf business.

Uluwatu is a wide reef and actually consist of 5 main surf peaks :

  • The Peak ; directly out from the cave, it is one of the most consistent waves in the world and works at all tide levels.
  • Race Track; a ast and slick wave, best at low tides.
  • Outside Corners ; perhaps it is the most iconic peak of Uluwatu, works on a big sweel at loe tides.
  • Temple;  the least crowded section of Uluwatu as it requires a farther paddle, but surfers are rewarded with great waves.
  • The Bombie; monster waves that only wotks on very large swells.

However, Uluwatu is the domain of experienced and pro-level surfers. To you who need to perfect their skills should stick to Padang-Padang Right ( there are two breaks in Padang-Padang surf spot, the one for the experts known as PadangPadang Left and the other one for all level, known as the PadangPadang Right) until you’re up to challenge of this spot.

So there they are, the three best surf spots in Uluwatu. Just keep in mind to stay hydrated during your day out in the salt water and protect your skin with sunblock. Are you ready for a dip?

