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The holiday is here, woohoo!

Who doesn’t love holidays? Moments we wait for celebrating a special moment with our loved ones. Each year, the holiday season brings excitement about taking time and seeing family, eating delicious meals, and even opening a few presents.

For many of us, the season marks a series of events complete with dinner parties and elaborate decorations.  It is considered the busiest time of the year and in addition to these seasonal celebrations, families must consider safety issues related to driving long distances in rough conditions, the potential for shopping mall mishaps, and dangers associated with holiday decorations and lights.

Here is a list of the most common holiday injuries we have seen:

  • Dangerous driving accidents

The year’s final three months mark something of a perfect storm for car accidents, especially in countries that have 4 seasons.  Not only are roads subject to adverse conditions due to rain, snow, and ice, but highway visibility is typically worse due to shorter daylight hours, pedestrians hit the sidewalks in search of holiday food and gifts, and families are more likely to travel long distances for winter or year-end holidays.


  • Back injuries

Holiday travel can take a toll on your back. Picking up heavy luggage at the airport, moving furniture to set up decorations, and lugging your family’s gifts from your house to your car can all lead to back injuries, strains, or worse. To avoid harming your back this holiday season, remember to lift heavy objects with your legs and carry them close to your body. If something is too heavy, consider hiring a professional for help. If you are carrying a bag with a shoulder strap, alternate shoulders to prevent soreness or injury.


  • Injuries caused by falling decorations

This is likely to be the leading injury cause this year. With more families stuck at home and wanting to decorate for the holiday celebration, we will likely see more decorations than usual.

Holiday decorations and lights are more dangerous than you may think. Children are most susceptible to some of these injuries, since they are often curious about new items and don’t understand the consequences of mishandling holiday decorations.

For houses with small children, therefore, it will be best if parents avoid purchasing any sharp or breakable decorations, and keeping anything small out of reach of children to avoid the risk of swallowing or choking on them.

Decorating a Christmas tree can be a cumbersome task when a bulky tree and wobbly ladder are involved. Decorators should always ensure that the ladder is on solid ground and have a friend or family member hold it still to avoid falls that could lead to serious injuries.


  • Shopping Injuries

Every year, the media around the world becomes obsessed with stories about mall mishaps resulting from overcrowded stores, consumer stampedes, and disputes between customers. It is better if you prepare all holiday needs and gifts way before the holiday itself starts. It give you more time to get the best and you do not have to be in overcrowded stores.


  • Holidays fires

Fireworks on Independence Day or on nights before Ied, the lights on Christmas trees as well as candles can start fires and cause injuries, property damage, and in some cases, death. You can prevent Christmas tree fires by finding the right tree. When you shop for a Christmas tree look for a recently cut tree. Signs of this include looking for fresh, green needles and a tree stump that is sticky with resin. Set your tree up away from heat sources like a vent, fireplace, and/or radiator. Be sure to check your Christmas lights for loose connections, frayed wires, and/or broken or cracked sockets. Throw out damaged lights and do not use frayed or old extension cords.

When burning candles, make sure they are out of the way of children and pets. You do not want them to be knocked over. Keep candles away from trees, decorations curtains, furniture, and any other items that could catch on fire. Do not overload sockets and unplug holiday decorations when you leave your home. Never leave a candle burning unattended and blow it out before leaving your residence.


  • Depression & Stress

While the holidays bring a lot of joy to a lot of families, this is not universal. For some, the holidays can bring on depression triggered by a past traumatic experience or loss of a loved one.Don’t assume your friends and family are having a jolly holiday season. Make sure to check in with them to make sure their mental health is in check.

And for some people the holidays can be the most stressful time of the year.  Maybe it’s the shopping, or lack of money, whatever the reason is you need to keep your stress in check.


Holidays Are Not Injury Free


Make sure to keep safe all holiday seasons  and take extra precaution especially while there are more drivers on the road.






