Table of Contents

Our happiness in life often changes depending on what life events we face at that time. Our happiness can be significantly reduced when we face a traumatic event or a difficult time in life.

The good news is that although mood levels are partly determined by factors such as genetics and nurture, most of our happiness is in our own control. Learning how to respond during difficult times is something that takes practice, but when you learn how to manage your mind-set, nothing that happens around you will be able to control your happiness.

The ways below are simple things that you can apply so that you can live a thriving and resilient life, where you can face difficult times and of course stay happy.

Part 1, determine what happiness means to you. The first step in the process of having a happy life is to determine what is important to you and what you value in life that gives you happiness.

Happiness can only come into your life when you can ‘fully accept’ your condition, and you choose to be the best you can be. Until the time you are ready to live a happy life even though sometimes in your life it is totally out of plan.

Part 2, understand how happiness works for you. We all have different personalities and this means that for some of us, we feel easier to be happy. The level of happiness in someone’s life depends on their vision of what is a “good life”. Once a person completes this, it is easier for them to identify what they can do to bring happiness into their lives. Happiness is a consequence of what we do and how we behave. Taking action and doing something different in a more positive way is more likely to bring happiness into your life.

Part 3, choose to be around the right people. Surround yourself with people who reflect the person you want. Having a positive and healthy relationship in life is the key to living a happy life. That will lead you to feel gratitude for your life. Don’t you want to spend time with people who ‘suck’ your happiness? A positive and healthy relationship is where you find support and strength to face difficult times in life.

Part 4, you can maintain happiness and make the most out of this crisis. All you have to do is to be present and quiet your mind. The present moment is the only moment we truly have because the future is imagined. Fear only exists in the future, and the definition of fear is the anticipation of pain.

Once you learn my strategies for maintaining your happiness in the present, being happy in the future follows as a result. How can we focus on the present not only when things are going really well, but when things suck, too? The answer: practice being happy. Anything you practice becomes a habit, and habits become permanent unless we consciously change them. We’re practicing something all the time through our habits, even when we’re not really thinking about it.

You have to prioritize being happy, no matter what is going on in life; whether you win or lose, succeed, or experience temporary setbacks, whether everything is the way you have always dreamed or if you are still on the road to your next major destination. And also, commitment to be the best person you can be is important for maintaining happiness in your life.

Remember, happiness is something that you create by yourself. Caring for your body, mind, and feelings of well-being is very important so that you become a person who remains happy even in difficult times. The happiest people aren’t the luckiest, wealthiest, or best looking; the happiest people are those who make a daily effort to be happy.
